Our Services
Immediate Post-Operative fittings, consultations, and education
Lower Extremity Prosthetics:
- Partial foot prosthesis
- Symes prosthesis
- Below knee prostheis
- Above knee prosthesis
- Hip disarticulation and hemipelvectomy prosthesis
Upper Extremity Prosthetics:
- Finger Prosthesis
- Partial hand prosthesis
- Below elbow prosthesis
- Above elbow prosthesis
- Shoulder disarticulation prosthesis
Lower Extremity Orthotics
- Diabetic shoes and custom diabetic foot orthoses
- Fracture orthoses
- CROW Walkers (Charcot)
- Foot orthosis (FO)
- Ankle foot orthosis (AFO)
- Knee orthosis (KO)
- Knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO)
- Hip orthosis (HO)
- Hip knee ankle foot orthosis (HKAFO)
Upper Extremity Orthotics
- Fracture orthosis
- Hand orthosis (HO)
- Wrist hand orhtosis (WHO)
- Elbow orthosis (EO)
- Elbow wrist hand orthosis (EWHO)
- Shoulder elbow wrist hand orthosis (SEWHO)
- Shoulder orthosis
Cervical/Spinal Orthotics
- Cervical orthosis (CO)
- Cervicothoracic orthosis (CTO)
- Cervicothoracolumbosacral orthosis (CTLSO)
- Thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO)
- Lumbosacral orthosis (LSO)
Elevated Vacuum Sockets
We are elevated vacuum socket specialists with years of experience in teaching, fitting and troubleshooting elevated socket design and fabrication.
Key benefits of elevated vacuum
- controls volume and reduces fluctuations
- improves socket fit and enhances suspension
- reduces pistoning and rotation
- promotes skin and limb health
- improves comfort
- lowers energy consumption
- optimizes gait characteristics
High-Fidelity Interface System
We are trained and certified to provide the Hi-Fi socket design for our patients. This unique socket design has been proven highly effective for upper extremity applications, as well as transtibial and transfemoral prostheses. Unlike traditional sockets that simply fit the periphery of the limb, the HiFi Interface uses patented HiFi technology to capture and control the residual bone. Wearers will instantly feel a difference as our designs allow for increased stability, range of motion, energy efficiency, performance, comfort, control and simply feels more like a part of you.